Played 7 Bullet games189713
No note yet
Member since Nov 7, 2020
Time spent playing: 1 day 3 hours 2 minutes
Time on TV: 32 minutes
Played 5 Three-check games166712
Played 1 Crazyhouse game135423
Competed in 4 tournaments
Ranked #26 (top 37%) with 5 games in Hourly Three-check Arena
Ranked #35 (top 54%) with 2 games in CCF friendship CCXVIII Team Battle
Ranked #60 (top 61%) with 5 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Ranked #36 (top 83%) with 1 game in Hourly Crazyhouse Arena
Played 8 Bullet games191012
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #14 (top 9%) with 5 games in ≤2000 Bullet Arena
Played 38 Bullet games189814
Played 14 Three-check games167921
Played 14 UltraBullet games145014
Played 2 Blitz games186039
Played 1 Classical game
Started following 11 players
Competed in 8 tournaments
Ranked #8 (top 13%) with 14 games in Lichess Three-Check Team Battle
Ranked #11 (top 20%) with 1 game in International Chess part 67th Team Battle
Ranked #30 (top 27%) with 10 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Ranked #220 (top 27%) with 2 games in ≤2000 Blitz Arena
Ranked #33 (top 31%) with 5 games in TPR JANUARY TROPHY 2024 Team Battle
Ranked #43 (top 33%) with 10 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Ranked #80 (top 64%) with 3 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Ranked #73 (top 97%) with 1 game in Allied Battle Ultra 1DM Team Battle
Played 7 Three-check games170026
Played 1 Blitz game18213
Played 1 Rapid game182517
Competed in 3 tournaments
Ranked #10 (top 38%) with 7 games in Hourly Three-check Arena
Ranked #214 (top 54%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Blitz Arena
Ranked #239 (top 76%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Played 3 Bullet games188419
Played 3 Blitz games18184
Played 4 Rapid games184233
Played 1 Blitz game18227
Played 1 Bullet game
Competed in 4 tournaments
Ranked #19 (top 23%) with 2 games in 55th Powerful Rapid Combat Team Battle
Ranked #151 (top 55%) with 3 games in TPR NIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP 24 Team Battle
Ranked #155 (top 62%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Ranked #204 (top 72%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Joined 1 team