About me
IM Anwesh Upadhyaya, from India, residing in Kyiv, Ukraine currently.
Playing experience
15 years of playing Experience, various medals in Asians and National tournament. Winner of National Rapid Championship, 2016.
Best win - Eltaj Safarli, 2010 World Juniors 2010 :)
Best win - Eltaj Safarli, 2010 World Juniors 2010 :)
Teaching experience
Been training with All category of students. Currently working with young guns, of various age groups. A good practice partner for training games, irrespective of the opening as I myself have a very broad repertoire.
Teaching methodology
Lessons can be in skype, using various platform as suitable for the student . Well planned lessons, in middlegame including strategy, positional play and tactics. Combination and calculation training. Technical Endgame play, along with basic and instructive practical endgame play. Practice positions as homework, at the end of every class. Discussions outside the class hours, can be done via social media avenues, including whatsapp and skype. :)