FM Kelver Vera Farfan
El ajedrez es mi pasión
Location | Camaná Peru |
Languages | Español |
Rating | FIDE: 230624692415 |
Hourly rate | $25 USD |
Active |
El ajedrez es mi pasión
Location | Camaná Peru |
Languages | Español |
Rating | FIDE: 230624692415 |
Hourly rate | $25 USD |
Active |
I am FIDE MASTER dedicated to teach chess and promote the game amongst different generations.
Location | Lima, Perú Peru |
Languages | Español, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 2303255825082033 |
Hourly rate | Since 18 euros, Email: +51 954 668 658 |
Active |
Chess is a lifestyle and play your best.
Location | Trujillo Peru |
Languages | Español, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 22802305 |
Hourly rate | $20 USD |
Active |
¡El entrenamiento constante es la clave del éxito!
Location | Lima Peru |
Languages | Español |
Rating | FIDE: 2652300428292660234221812506 |
Hourly rate | 35 USD +52 614 228 7607 |
Active |
"El Ajedrez es la vida" (Bobby Fischer)
Location | Lima Peru |
Languages | Español |
Rating | FIDE: 256827752511 |
Hourly rate | 40 USD |
Active |
El ajedrez es arte y cálculo. Mikhail Botvinnik - Chess is art and calculation. Mikhail Botvinnik
Location | Barcelona Peru |
Languages | Español, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 23582868249019672220 |
Hourly rate | 20-25 € /h (It will depend on the level of the player), email: |
Active |
Teaching chess is like listening to music. I enjoy doing it.
Location | Lima-Perú Peru |
Languages | Español, English (US), Português |
Rating | FIDE: 236825222385 |
Hourly rate | 20 euros |
Active |
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step
Location | Lima, Perú Peru |
Languages | Español, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 228626442642 |
Hourly rate | Class: $20 per hour / $10 training games (bullet, blitz, rapid) per hour |
Active |
Inspire a generation!
Location | Peru |
Languages | Español, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 23632797 |
Hourly rate | $40 USD |
Active |