NM Jan Mikeš
Where there's a will, there's a way
Location | Czech Republic Czechia |
Languages | English (US), Čeština |
Rating | FIDE: 235025812527 |
Hourly rate | 25€ /h.. discount for more sessions |
Active |
Where there's a will, there's a way
Location | Czech Republic Czechia |
Languages | English (US), Čeština |
Rating | FIDE: 235025812527 |
Hourly rate | 25€ /h.. discount for more sessions |
Active |
Happiness is a journey, not a destination. :)
Location | Prague Czechia |
Languages | Čeština, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 206120112174 |
Hourly rate | 20€ per hour; discounts for more sessions |
Active |
During the game, you have to manage your pieces to get the best of them.
Location | Karlovy Vary Czechia |
Languages | Čeština, English (US), Deutsch |
Rating | FIDE: 2398228822992075 |
Hourly rate | 20 Eur/hour |
Active |
You shall not be obsessed by the results - to win is just one of many possibilities.
Location | Prague Czechia |
Languages | Čeština, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 21222341 |
Hourly rate | 20 EUR/h approximately |
Active |
Honest approach for everyone. Rating of students 2100+.
Location | Prostejov Czechia |
Languages | Čeština, Polski, Slovenščina, Deutsch, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 295027912788 |
Hourly rate | 40€/h |
Active |
“The Pin is mightier than the sword” – Fred Reinfeld
Location | Czech Republic Czechia |
Languages | Čeština, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 23152328 |
Hourly rate | 20 euros per hour (60 min) |
Active |